Renters: Do you know your rights?

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We are in the midst of a housing crisis. Housing security is fundamental to the success of individuals, families, and communities.  Numerous studies document the impact poor housing has on health, education, AND employment.  

The Housing Project is helping renters claim their voice in the conversation.

Renters’ voices are an essential voice in any conversation about Memphis’s housing problems. We are working with renters to teach them about their rights and to arm them to protect their rights. When renters are educated and connected, they are empowered to advocate for themselves in and out of the courtroom, individually and collectively.

Memphis Public Interest Law Center is a non-profit public interest law firm  designed to fill the gap in legal services in the Memphis area through education, advocacy, research and strategic litigation.  The Housing Project is a renter-centered response to our community’s housing crisis. 

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  • We are conducting research to find out more about the condition of rental housing and renters’ experiences getting landlords to fix problems. Click “yes” if you are willing to tell us about your experience and we will contact you shortly with more information and to set up a time to talk. Your information will be kept anonymous and confidential.